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Hockaday's World Affairs Council Meets Governor Jeb Bush

On April 24, Hockaday students from the Junior Worlf Affairs Council attended a luncheon with Governor Jeb Bush.
The World Affairs Council hosted a lunch event Wednesday, April 24 with Governor Bush who discussed the national issues of immigration and education. He talked about his success in Florida as well as what he believes should happen in our nation looking forward. Eight Hockaday students attended the Jeb Bush event.
Members of the Council as well as others could purchase tickets to attend the lunch. However, the Council has an educational program through which high schools can have clubs at their schools; these clubs are referred to as Junior World Affairs Council (JWAC) clubs. JWAC students can attend some events throughout the year free of charge. There are only a few seats reserved for students and must be saved early.
JWAC is a new club at Hockaday, which only grew in popularity this school year. The lunch with Jeb Bush is the third event this year the club has attended. The JWAC at Hockaday also attended a luncheon with Roxanne Farmanfarmaian, a lecturer in International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa. Also, the JWAC attended a very large event with Henry Kissinger.
The Jeb Bush luncheon was a last minute addition to the World Affairs Council calendar, and the club's sponsor, Ms. Kathryn Hodgkinson has been instrumental in getting Hockaday students seats at the World Affair Council events along with Juniors Anisha Anand and Ivy Deng the co-presidents of the club. 
Within the private school community, The Hockaday School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls from grades PK–12 located in Dallas, Texas. Students realize their limitless potential through challenging academic curricula, arts, athletics, and extracurricular programs so that they are inspired to lead lives of purpose and impact.

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