News Detail

A Message from Linda Kramer

Dear Middle School Parents,
Thank you so much for the donations made to the Middle School Habitat Drive. We collected over 300 items, and our Student Council donated a $300 gift card to pay for “moving in” groceries. Bravo! Read more

TPSMEA HONOR ORCHESTRA 2016: After a rigorous audition process in January, seven Hockaday Middle School Orchestra members won playing positions with the Texas Private Schools Music Educators Association Middle School Honor Orchestra 2016. They participated in successful clinics and concerts on February 26 and 27 in Dallas under the direction of outstanding conductors. These young musicians’ love for music and commitment to hard work are to be praised.  Congratulations to the following Middle School Hockadaisies!

TPSMEA Middle School Honor Orchestra 2016

Name                                   Instrument                          Grade
Charlene Brzesowsky              Viola                                     8th grade
Antonia Dinulescu                  Violin & Concertmaster          8th grade
Daniela Vallejo                        Violin                                     8th grade
Faith Wangermann                Cello                                      7th grade
Anna Aldis                             Cello                                      7th grade
Julia Luo                                 Violin                                    6th grade
Jayna Dave                            Viola                                      5th grade                                                                       
TECHNOLOGY MAINTENANCE: In the next few weeks, the Hockaday technology department will be performing routine maintenance on seventh, eighth, and ninth grade student laptops in preparation for upcoming ERB testing. We will soon send out the actual dates for each grade level. This maintenance will include:
  • An external hardware inspection for broken components
  • Software and operating system updates
  • A full laptop reimage 
The technology department will provide all students with training and assistance to back up any data not already stored on the Hockaday servers; indeed, seventh and eighth graders will soon meet with technology faculty to discuss the process. Through this maintenance process, all laptops will receive software updates as well as the latest security updates and patches. By providing this type of regular maintenance, our student laptops will better support the academic needs of our Hockaday students. The process may involve keeping the girls’ laptops overnight depending on the number and types of laptop issues encountered, but students will know far in advance of this happening, and teachers are very flexible in helping the girls plan in advance and adjust if necessary.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jason Curtis at 214.360.6386.
SPRING CONFERENCES:  You are now able to sign up online for Middle School spring conferences which will be held on Friday, March 18 for grades 5 - 8. Click here for instructions. Spring conferences are a great opportunity to review your daughter’s progress this year and revisit goals set in the fall. Eighth grade families will be planning class schedules for ninth grade. Please remember that all students are asked to attend these conferences with their parents. All conferences are 25 minutes in length with a five-minute break in between for teachers.  If you are not available to attend a conference on your assigned conference day, we ask you to contact your daughter’s advisor directly to set up an alternate day.

EIGHTH GRADE:  You have previously received an email invitation to a very important gathering on Monday, March 14 at 6:00 p.m. Upper School administrators will speak with eighth grade students and parents regarding the academic program in Upper School. Each student’s Course Request form for ninth grade will be discussed during eighth grade conferences on Friday, March 18.

: Yes, sixth grade parents, that is your daughters’ new “title” as we move through the spring! World language options for your daughters expand in the seventh grade to include French, Spanish, or Latin.  All teachers of a seventh grade language have made presentations to the current sixth graders, and it is time for your family to make a selection after you have read the background information on each language program. You should have received the language selection packet in an email on Monday. If you have any questions as you move through the process, please contact Lisa Camp, World Language Department Chair, at 214.360.6419. Please return your daughter’s selection form to the Middle School Office by Monday, March 7.

: I know we’re just finishing our second term, however… it is time to send out notification regarding the last month of school as you begin to make plans for May and summer. I have included the times girls need to arrive at school for special events and rehearsals.   Due to construction, Eighth Grade Graduation and all other spring and end-of-school events will be held in Penson Athletic Center. As a result, students in grades five through seven will attend Eighth Grade Graduation on Friday, May 27 this year because of the larger venue.  Please make your late-May /early summer plans according to the dates and times in this link.  

 In other calendar notes, seventh grade parents, Barbara Allen and I look forward to speaking with you on Monday, March 7 at 6:30 in 7/8 Commons regarding your daughters’ upcoming trip to New Mexico in late April. We ask that at least one parent from each family attend if possible. In addition, the girls will have a “Pajama” free dress day on Thursday of next week to celebrate the HPA Benefit on Saturday, March 12. We’ll talk with the girls about appropriate “pj” guidelines in advance.  And…because you all were able to fill your tables at that event, your daughters will also have a regular free dress day on Friday of next week as a thank you to you for your support of the Benefit and our faculty!  
Have a lovely weekend!

Linda Kramer
Head of Middle School
Within the private school community, The Hockaday School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls from grades PK–12 located in Dallas, Texas. Students realize their limitless potential through challenging academic curricula, arts, athletics, and extracurricular programs so that they are inspired to lead lives of purpose and impact.

The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial aid, athletic, and other policies and programs.