I have just returned from my travels with the sixth graders in Washington, D.C. and Williamsburg; the group returns tomorrow evening. What incredible fun, camaraderie, mild weather, and learning for all on the trip! I extend my appreciation to the teachers and our parent chaperones for the limitless hours they spent watching over our girls on this trip. It is definitely a “24/7 on-duty” type of experience, but the rewards and joys are also non-stop!
PARENTS' POP-IN DAY: You should have received by mail an
invitation and your child’s schedule for Parents’ Pop-In Day on Thursday, December 1. We combine an even-odd day rotation that day so that you are able to see each of your daughter’s classes, and we will have an extra copy of your child’s schedule in the office in case yours is misplaced or forgotten. In addition, while Middle School students have lunch, you will be able to attend a panel discussion on “Life After Middle School” to hear from Upper School students and to ask questions about the day-to-day life in Upper School.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: I hope your family has been able to participate in the joint Hockaday/St. Mark’s McDonald’s Week community service project this week, a St. Mark’s and Hockaday community service event supporting Austin Street Centre, a homeless shelter in Dallas. The McDonald’s at Preston/Royal donates part of all proceeds when Hockaday and St. Mark’s families buy breakfast between November 14 and November 18. On those mornings St. Mark’s students put together a raffle, distribute t-shirts, and provide other fun activities. Also, one selected restaurant each night is donating their proceeds as well. Finally, we’ll talk with the girls right after the Thanksgiving Break about our upcoming Holiday Gift Drive that will run from November 28 through December 12. I’ll send more details soon.
CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA REHEARSALS: Parents of choir and orchestra members, please note the dates being sent home with your daughters for December rehearsals and performances. These girls will have a day performance for students, a night presentation for parents and friends, and an exciting event at NorthPark Mall. We also have these dates listed for you on the calendar section of this DaisyNews.
EIGHTH GRADE DANCE AT ST. MARK’S: Our eighth graders are invited to a winter dance at St. Mark’s on Saturday, December 3. Warren Foxworth, St. Mark’s Head of Middle School, and I help the St. Mark’s parents chaperone. Both of us also talk with our eighth graders about respectful ways to interact with one another at social events of this type. St. Mark’s also is asking that the boys and girls bring a gift if possible for the
Children’s Toy Closet, blending good times with good deeds. Warren and I agree that if we see the kids having a great time, talking and dancing, AND we really just sit all night with little more to do than listen to loud music, then the dance has been a great success!
THANKSGIVING: In closing, as we enjoy Thanksgiving and move into December, I always feel so thankful to have shared such a bustling, productive fall with this community—at special events, in classrooms, during performances, and at various athletic competitions. I am continually amazed at the girls’ eagerness to accept challenges, their growing resilience, their talents, and their willingness to embrace the differences we all possess. In addition, I greatly appreciate the trust you offer us each day and the volunteer hours you share with the School! Further, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the Middle School faculty as I think about how our teachers implement so many valuable extras for the girls even beyond the curriculum -- accompanying students on special trips, supporting the girls through their work with Cornerstones Studies, electives, athletics, advising, and, of course, the brilliant work they do each day in the classrooms. I think you can fully understand why Hockaday is such a vibrant, caring community and how all four cornerstones are woven into each day in myriad ways ---lucky, lucky girls!
So as we begin to prepare for a rich variety of holiday traditions that center on giving to others, surrounding ourselves with family, and evaluating what we are thankful for, I ask that you consider the thoughts expressed in this excerpt from a poem by Margaret Wheatley that I share each year. I know that I am grateful that the wisdom in Ms. Wheatley’s charge and Miss Hockaday’s own vision are reflected daily in our incredible Hockaday community.
Ask “What’s possible?” not “What’s wrong?”
Notice what you care about.
Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.
Be intrigued by the differences you hear.
Expect to be surprised.
Treasure curiosity more than certainty.
Remember, you don’t fear people whose story you know.
Real listening brings people closer together.
Trust that meaningful conversations can change the world.
Rely on human goodness.
Stay together!
My best wishes to you all for a safe and jubilant Thanksgiving break!
Linda Kramer
Head of Middle School