Each grade level collects supplies that are delivered as these families begin their lives in new homes. The drive began on Monday and ends tomorrow. We ask for donations of cleaning supplies (5th grade), kitchen paper goods and cooking items (sixth grade), kitchen/bath towels and bed sheets (seventh grade), and bath and garden supplies (eighth grade). In addition, our Student Council will provide $300 in gift cards to the family for groceries and such. Thank you so much for your donations!
REPORT CARDS: Tomorrow you will receive email notification alerting you to the exact time grades and comments will be available for your viewing. I have found that the most beneficial conversations regarding report cards center around four questions in regard to each subject: What actions did the student take during the term that worked well? What actions did not produce positive results, and what adjustments, therefore, are necessary? What steps does your daughter need to implement, and does she need any assistance from teachers and parents? Do you detect any patterns in the teachers’ comments regarding your daughter’s progress? Having your child verbalize her thoughts in this way puts an emphasis on academic growth and places each student in a position to honestly determine skill sets that can be strengthened. These discussions are particularly important for sixth grade families as the girls receive their first set of letter grades.
SPRING CONFERENCES: You are now able to
sign up online for Middle School spring conferences which will be held on March 23
for grades 5-7 and April 3 for grade 8. Sign-up closes on Sunday, March 19 for all conferences. As you know, conferences are a great opportunity to engage in conversations regarding your daughter’s day-to-day life at Hockaday; we look forward to meeting with you in the spring. Fifth through seventh grade students, parents, and teachers will discuss goals set in the fall conferences and summer study plans while eighth grade families and advisors will plan for the upcoming ninth grade year.
SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR NEXT YEAR: Based upon parent feedback and consideration of the School’s strategic plan regarding sustainability, Hockaday will provide school supplies next year for our Middle School students. This will be a continuation of procedures in our Lower School. Our teachers have turned in comprehensive lists that will be ordered in bulk this spring. It will not be necessary for you to shop for school supplies this summer, and the costs will be more affordable. Costs per grade level will be $100 or below (varying at each grade) for the supply package, and that will be included in your tuition and fees. The Middle School Office will no longer send out supply lists. At Middle School Registration on August 21, 2017, your daughter will pick up these supplies along with her schedule, laptop for those in sixth grade next fall, and other items. Like last year, textbooks and calculators may be purchased through MBS Direct prior to the start of school. You’ll receive information about that process later in the spring. I am excited about this shift for Middle School families as it offers financial, time, and energy savings for you!
received an email inviting you to a very important gathering on Tuesday, March 28 at 6:15 p.m. Upper School administrators will speak with eighth grade students and parents regarding the academic program in Upper School. Each student’s Course Request form for ninth grade will be discussed during eighth grade conferences on Monday, April 3.
SIXTH GRADERS’ LANGUAGE SELECTION FOR SEVENTH GRADE: Sixth grade parents have received an email packet explaining the process for world language selection for your daughters. The choices broaden in seventh grade to include Spanish, French, and Latin. Please return language selection forms by March 6 to the Middle School Office and/or contact Lisa Camp, World Language Department Chair, if you have questions.
EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATION DRESSES: While our eighth graders have another term to complete before the end of their journey through Middle School, it is not too soon to start thinking about Eighth Grade Graduation on Thursday, May 25. You’ll receive more details about the event later this spring, but I did want to provide you with requirements for the girls’ dress that day. It is traditional that eighth graders wear white dresses or white skirts and blouses and white shoes to Eighth Grade Graduation. The governing principle at this end-of-year celebration is to dress with modest taste, meaning skirt lengths should be no more than four inches above the knee--no mini-skirts, please. If a dress is strapless or has spaghetti straps/halter top, a sweater or jacket must be worn also. The white is to be a true white, not ivory or off-white, and should not have colored trim. The required white shoes may be sandals but must have a strap around the back of the heel. The heels and soles may not be black or another color, but may be wooden, cork, or metallic. In addition, adornments on the shoes may not be colored but may be metallic. For comfort and safety reasons, girls must wear flats or heels no higher than two inches. Remember…the girls are walking up and down multiple steps at this graduation ceremony!
UNIFORMS: Every year as we move into the third term, skirt lengths at school become problematic for our rapidly growing girls. I have mentioned that they should check hems (and alter them as needed) during Spring Break in order to avoid receiving a uniform violation.
TPSMEA VOICE RESULTS 2017: On February 25 twenty-three Hockadaisies (grades 7 - through Form IV) auditioned at the TPSMEA Solo and Ensemble Region Competition held at Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco. Accompanied by Mona Rejino, each soloist sang a classical art song or aria from the prescribed music list for a single judge. We are so pleased to announce the following Middle School results! Winning a silver medal from eighth grade were Katie Harmon, Isabella Page, and Nina Weeldreyer. Seventh graders Sydney Ghorayeb and Eleanor Lockhart won bronze medals. Congratulations to the girls and their voice teacher, Ilana Lemke!
SEVENTH GRADE PARENT MEETING: In other calendar notes, seventh grade parents, Barbara Allen and I look forward to speaking with you on Monday, March 6 at 6:00 p.m. in 7/8 Commons regarding your daughters’ upcoming trip to New Mexico in late April. We ask that at least one parent from each family attend if possible.
Have a lovely weekend!
Linda Kramer
Head of Middle School