News Detail

A Letter from Terry Murray

Welcome to DaisyNews! We are excited for the students return on Monday and making the hallways noisy again. It is going to be an exciting and busy year at Hockaday with great community events. Below is a list of some of those events in the early part of the school year and a detailed description of our redesigned retreat program including expectations and themes. I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week.

Listed below is additional information about the start of the school year and Upper School retreats.

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  • Back-to-School Day for all students is on August 21. Students will pick up locker assignments, parking tags, books (if delivered to Hockaday), and laptops (if ordered) at this time. Hockaday apparel will be sold, tax free. Form IV: 12:45 – 1:30 pm; Form I: 2:00 –2:30 pm; Form II: 2:30 – 3:00 pm; Form III: 3:00 – 3:30 pm. Also Forms I and II Yearbook/ID pictures will be taken on this day; Form I -2:15-3:15; Form II -3:15-4:15.

  • New Student Orientation is on August 21 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This event is for all Form I, II, and III students who are new to the Hockaday community this year. Please note that this event is not intended for Form I students who attended Middle School at Hockaday. Students should meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Lacerte Family Gym. Students are encouraged to wear casual attire on this day. Lunch will be provided. After their registration time and pictures, new students will have Technology Training in Clements: Form I at 2:45-3:45; Forms II & III at 3:45-4:45. 
  • Hockaday uniforms unite our community and instill a sense of pride in our girls. We ask all parents and students to ensure that uniforms meet Hockaday’s expectations and are in good order before the start of school. Skirt length should be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. Upper School dress uniform days are on “Day 3” in the calendar rotation. Students who require a medical exemption from wearing Hockaday’s saddle oxfords need to provide an updated letter from a doctor to the Upper School Office in order to receive a shoe pass for the 2017-18 school year.

Upper School Retreats
The Upper School Retreats are designed to foster community, build friendships, and create long-lasting memories for our girls. These retreats are also an excellent time for our girls to get to know members of the Faculty and Staff, including their respective Form Dean. Form Deans play an instrumental role in these retreats, in addition to your daughter’s academic and extracurricular experience throughout the year. Please contact your daughter’s Form Dean if you have questions about these retreats: Form I Dean: Ms. Emily Bemenderfer; Form II Dean: Ms. Alejandra Suarez; Form III Dean: Ms. Jessica Chu; Form IV Dean: Ms. Rebekah Calhoun.

Please help your daughters plan their schedules accordingly, as attendance at these retreats is required.

Form I Retreat
One of the highlights of the Form I year is the trip to Allaso Ranch in Hawkins, Texas. Allaso Ranch is an experiential education facility in East Texas, just about an hour and a half outside of Dallas. During our time there, the girls will develop new friendships, bond as a class, and have a lot of fun! Allaso Ranch allows the girls to experience difficult physical challenges while leaning on each other for support, with the main theme of “Unity” for the Class of 2021. Faculty will lead the small groups, strengthening the bond between the 9th graders and their advisors.
  • Buses leave from the Forest Lane entrance of Hockaday on Tuesday, August 22 at 12:00 pm. Please drop your daughter off no later than 11:30 am. We will return to Hockaday on Thursday, August 24 between 12:00 and 1:00 pm. We have a designated phone number that you can call for updates to the arrival time of the buses.    
Forms II and III Retreats
The Form II and III retreats are designed to foster community, friendship, and purpose within each Form. The Form II retreat will follow the activities from the Form I retreat at MO-Ranch and the Form III retreat will be a precursor to the activities that will take place at the Form IV retreat at Allaso Ranch. Both retreats will bring our girls together in intentional and memorable ways. Attendance at these retreats is required.
  • The Form II retreat will be held Wednesday, August 23 and Thursday, August 24 from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm at Hockaday.
    Form II is a very difficult year. Friend groups change; value systems are questioned; the girls have more independence and choices than ever before. This is universal among high schools: sophomore year is tough. Since we know it is a problem, let’s be proactive. To help our girls cope, we have invited My Name, My Story to lead a Changemaker Day here on campus. These changes among friend groups will occur, but by teaching empathy in August and using that messaging throughout the year, we hope to frame these conflicts differently. Faculty participates as well, giving them tools to be successful as sophomore advisors. The theme of this retreat is “Empathy”.
  • The Form III retreat will be held Wednesday, August 23 and Thursday, August 24 from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm at Hockaday.
    Juniors are preparing to lead the school. They have some Upper School experience under their belt and teaching them how their leadership style sets them up for success as seniors. Strenghtfinders will lead the program. Juniors will identify their strengths and then help them understand how to use their natural talents. Faculty will work alongside their students and learn their strengths as well. The theme of the Form III retreat is “Leadership”.
Form IV Retreat
The Form IV retreat at Allaso Ranch in Hawkins, Texas is a culminating experience. This retreat is when the Seniors plan their Senior year, and think through their legacy. They have spent three years preparing to be the leaders of the school, and they are now ready for action. They are now thoughtful and intentional leaders after these four retreats and in May, when they leave us, they will truly be poised to fulfill our mission statement and be women of purpose and impact. Faculty and Advisors will attend the retreat. The theme is “Action”.
  • Seniors will depart from Hockaday at 12:45 pm on Monday, August 21 and will return at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, August 23 at the Forest Lane lot.

    On Thursday, August 24, all Seniors will participate in the College Counseling Retreat on campus from 8:30am to 3:30pm.
Welcome Back!
Terry Murray
Within the private school community, The Hockaday School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls from grades PK–12 located in Dallas, Texas. Students realize their limitless potential through challenging academic curricula, arts, athletics, and extracurricular programs so that they are inspired to lead lives of purpose and impact.

The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial aid, athletic, and other policies and programs.