Academic Philosophy

Financial Literacy in Upper School

Upper School’s Empowering Women Through Financial Literacy class welcomed Hockaday CFO Katie Leto last week!
She talked to the class about workplace benefits, what to ask in an interview, the importance of retirement savings, how to decide between different medical coverages, and understanding a contract!

The Financial Literacy class addresses the continued gender gap between men and women in terms of financial knowledge and confidence in making financial decisions. This semester course helps students become financially literate: having the ability to manage one’s financial resources effectively by understanding financial choices, how to plan for the future, and how to manage financial challenges associated with life events like becoming employed, purchasing a home, and retirement.
Within the private school community, The Hockaday School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls from grades PK–12 located in Dallas, Texas. Students realize their limitless potential through challenging academic curricula, arts, athletics, and extracurricular programs so that they are inspired to lead lives of purpose and impact.

The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial aid, athletic, and other policies and programs.