News Detail

HPA Benefit Opportunities

Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 2. The HPA presents:  The Year of the Daisy:  A Celebration of Asia
Ticket To Ride

Sewell is proud to support The Hockaday Child Development Center by underwriting the cost of a vehicle for the Hockaday Vehicle Raffle. Win the raffle and select one vehicle from a choice of five luxury vehicles. MSRP of the vehicle not to exceed $50,000. Tickets are 1 for $100; 3 for $250; 10 for $750. 
Contact Raffle Chair Malia Mitchell  or visit the Hockaday Benefit Page to purchase tickets. 
Join the Benefit Committee

The Benefit encompasses Special Occasions, merchandise, raffle, silent and live auction, underwriting, baskets, class projects, and the best Hockaday party of the year – The Year of the Daisy on Saturday, February 2, 2019! We need help obtaining auction items, mailings, writing thank-you notes, selling and tying tags on merchandise, filling out online donation requests, and more. If you are interested in helping in a large or small way, please visit the HPA Volunteer Site and come to our Benefit Committee meeting on Friday, September 7, 8:15 am, in the LLARC Boardroom. All are welcome!  Contact Benefit Chair, Jessica Epperson for more questions.
Within the private school community, The Hockaday School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls from grades PK–12 located in Dallas, Texas. Students realize their limitless potential through challenging academic curricula, arts, athletics, and extracurricular programs so that they are inspired to lead lives of purpose and impact.

The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial aid, athletic, and other policies and programs.