News Detail

A Message from Linda Kramer

Dear Middle School Parents,
As January ends, the girls began attending their new electives yesterday. And…what a very busy month February is going to be for Middle School! Many of the special events coming up are service-based—a great way to both learn and make a difference for others. Read more
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Hockaday wraps up our annual food drive tomorrow to benefit area food banks which are rather depleted after the holiday season. Please help your daughter honor the commitment she has made to bring a specific canned or non-perishable good. In addition, our eighth graders will have a community service component to their Valentine’s Dance next Saturday evening, and you will soon be hearing about Middle School efforts on the Habitat for Humanity Drive later in February.
TRANSITIONS: Each year I work with my fellow Hockaday division heads to address the transitions both into and out of Middle School. The transition program in Lower School does not begin until late April and continues throughout May. However, our eighth graders will receive an initial glimpse of their possible paths through Upper School tomorrow, spending all afternoon in Upper School with students and administrators and visiting Upper School classes. This is the first step in a multi-layer program that provides eighth grade students and their parents with both academic and program information that will be needed to determine class sign-ups for ninth grade at our conferences in March. Thank you to Rachel Brandt and Elizabeth Jones who planned this Shadow Day event for our girls. Additional transition meetings and details will be discussed in future editions of DaisyNews and at school with the eighth graders.
SPRING CONFERENCES: You also will soon be able to sign up online for Middle School spring conferences which will be held on March 18 for grades 5-8. Details will be forthcoming that will tell you both how and when to engage in the process. As you know, conferences are a great opportunity to engage in conversations regarding your daughter’s day-to-day life at Hockaday; we look forward to meeting with you in March. Fifth through seventh grade students, parents, and teachers will discuss goals set in the fall conferences and summer study plans while eighth grade families and advisors will plan for the upcoming ninth grade year.
VALENTINE’S IN MIDDLE SCHOOL: With February almost here, Valentine’s activities also will fill our calendar. As previously noted, eighth graders will host their peers from both St. Mark’s and Cistercian at our Valentine’s Dance on February 6 in the Small Gym from 7:30-10:00. In addition, Valentine’s parties for all grades will be held on February 11 during advisory. Valentine’s bags are being handed out and decorated in advisory; there is no need to bring in “special” boxes or sacks from home. Our Valentine’s parties are held in advisories and are very low-key events, allowing time for girls to enjoy valentines from one another and some treats provided by the advisory volunteers for your daughter’s advisory. All of us will also enjoy a heart-healthy celebration with “Hockaday Goes Red” on Friday, February 5. I’ll include details next week.
ADDITIONAL UPCOMING EVENTS: Middle School students will enjoy Chinese New Year celebrations next week as performers present a lion dance and a traditional Chinese dance; the girls will also participate in a Chinese New Year trivia game and make paper lanterns, Year of the Monkey masks, and dabble in calligraphy. Upper School and Middle School Chinese faculty and students will also make presentations to our Middle School students. The entire school will also support our Upper School winter sports teams as they prepare for SPC at a Mardi Gras themed pep rally on Tuesday, February 9. I must share that Middle School girls “rocked” the last One Hockaday pep rally with their enthusiasm, singing, dancing, and very, very loud cheering. We intend to do so again in February!
7/8 SPORTS: The winter sports season concludes today, and I extend my congratulations to all coaches and athletes for a job well done in swimming, basketball, winter tennis, and soccer. Tryouts for spring sports (softball, track, and lacrosse) will be held for seventh and eighth grade athletes beginning on February 16 at 3:30. There will be no tryouts for spring tennis as those were held in November. Spring tennis athletes will report to practice on Tuesday, February 16. Please note: due to the fact that there will be no after- school sports for the next few weeks, afternoon carpool will most likely be more crowded. You might want to adjust your pick-up time just a bit.
My best,
Linda Kramer
Within the private school community, The Hockaday School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls from grades PK–12 located in Dallas, Texas. Students realize their limitless potential through challenging academic curricula, arts, athletics, and extracurricular programs so that they are inspired to lead lives of purpose and impact.

The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial aid, athletic, and other policies and programs.