I highly encourage the girls to share their experiences with our teachers before a pattern of feeling confused grows--a minor adjustment can make a huge difference in how effectively your child balances a busy schedule.
SEVENTH GRADE LOCK-IN: Thank you so very much to our parent volunteers who have spent untold hours over the summer planning the Seventh Grade Lock-In which will be held tomorrow evening! It is a wonderful opportunity for our seventh graders to know one another better and to bond together as a class. Many Hockaday graduates remember the Lock-In as one of the highlights of their time at our School! Please let me know by phone or email if your seventh grade daughter is not able to attend for any reason or if she plans to arrive late or leave early. Lock-In permission and behavior contract forms were handed out last week at Parents’ Night; those were due back to us by September 6. To attend, a student must have returned both forms to the Middle School Office. While the plans are a surprise for the girls at this point, I can assure you this is truly an action-packed evening. It is a slumber party so…all of those attending (not just those of us over 13!) will sleep a “bit” after a busy week at school. We look forward to a wonderful evening with the girls!
online sign up procedure for fall conferences opened for your use on Friday, September 2. Conferences are a great opportunity to engage in conversations regarding your daughter’s day-to-day life at Hockaday and for the goal-setting that will guide her endeavors this year. Conference Day for all Middle School grade levels is on Wednesday, September 21. Please be sure to mark your calendars accordingly.
EIGHTH GRADE MATH/SCIENCE RESEARCH STUDY: Eighth grade families received an information letter and consent form on Registration Day regarding a study partnership between Hockaday and a research group from the University of Massachusetts. The primary goal of the study is to understand what factors in the classroom environments improve students’ interest in science and math, promote positive attitudes towards these subjects and motivate students to pursue science/math-oriented interests in the future. Researchers will visit eighth grade math and science classes for a week beginning tomorrow, and participating students will complete two surveys at the beginning of the year and again at the end.
REMINDER ABOUT AFTER_SCHOOL CARE: All fifth and sixth graders remaining on campus after 3:30 p.m. go to Daisy Den, which meets in the 5/6 Commons each day from 3:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Daisy Den is complimentary until 4:00 p.m. For girls remaining after 4:00 p.m. there is a drop-in fee of $30. From 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. the girls are free to chat, play games, do homework, or play in the courtyard. There is a quiet study hour from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. After 5:00 p.m. the girls may again choose how to use their time. To pick-up from Daisy Den call 214-360-6420 as you arrive on campus, and we will send your daughter out to meet you at the Middle School door. As an alternative, you may text your daughter when you arrive on campus. After we read the text, she will be dismissed to the Middle School door. Some seventh and eighth grade students continue to study in the LLARC library at the end of the school day from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday and until 4:30 p.m. on Fridays. Participating students must report to the US Library by 3:30 p.m. After 4:30 p.m. on Fridays, any seventh and eighth graders not yet picked up must report to Daisy Den.
SEVENTH GRADE DUKE TIP PROGRAM: For seventh grade families, The Duke University Talent Search materials are now available online at
www.tip.duke.edu/7gts and in the Middle School Office if you are interested. These materials explain the program and will help you in deciding whether you would like your daughter to participate if she is eligible. The School does not sponsor or suggest this testing but does provide a location for you to pick up materials if you wish. Duke also encourages gathering information and enrolling online. Students are eligible if they have scored at the 95
th percentile or higher, based on
national norms, on any
one of the following ERB or other national standardized tests: mathematics, quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, or reading comprehension. If your daughter is eligible, and if she wishes to participate, she needs to take either the
SAT test or the ACT test.
Students should select only one test (SAT or ACT) and only one test date. The
SAT exam will be given on December 3, 2016, and on January 21, 2017. Your daughter may take the ACT test on either December 10, 2016, or February 11, 2017. Students who wish to take either exam in December must submit their applications by October 3, 2016 if registering on paper and October 21, 2016 if registering online. Those wishing to take one of the tests in January or February need to submit their paper applications by November 4, 2016 or online applications by December 9, 2016.
If your daughter receives academic accommodations at school, please do not have her take either test for this program until you have spoken with Shelley Cave, our Director of Learning Services. There are guidelines within the ACT and SAT testing programs that must be satisfied (even when taking the test “for practice” or Duke TIP in seventh grade) that greatly affect accommodations received when your daughter tests in Upper School. If you have any questions about your daughter's eligibility for this experience, or if you would like to discuss the program, please feel free to call me at 214-360-6401.
FUTURE LEADERS PROGRAM: Our yearly hosting of the Future Leaders Program after school will begin on Saturday, September 17.The Saturday meetings are a change from the Tuesday/Thursday times used in previous years. This public school/private school partnership, sponsored by the Brewer Foundation, provides enrichment work for outstanding students in grades 5-12 from member DISD schools. In addition, some of our teachers partner with DISD faculty to teach the classes which will be held on Saturdays until October 22. St. Mark’s, Greenhill, and ESD serve as host campuses throughout the remainder of the year. Hockaday is honored to participate in this incredible program!
- Fifth Grade Parent coffee on Thursday, September 15 at 8:15 a.m.—discussion of upcoming fifth grade events
- Middle School Conference Day on Wednesday, September 21—for all grades; no classes
- Fun Day at St. Mark’s on Friday, September 23--Fifth and sixth graders attend, and some seventh and eighth graders have volunteered to work at this event.
Linda Kramer